As the highly anticipated, longed, and hoped-for start of Stage 4 quickly approaches in September, we may find ourselves letting our guard down around some items that have kept us safe throughout this pandemic thus far. However, we're not in the clear yet, and running through to the finish line is no time to drop the good habits that we've developed over the past year and a half!

So as we increase our social outings and the number of people we interact with, here are a few tips on how to continue to best protect yourself and your families:
Remember that not everyone is vaccinated. Whether due to individual health concerns or personal preference, you may not know who around you is vaccinated or not, so best to keep your guard up unless you know for sure.
Masks are still a great way to protect yourself. Especially where social distancing is not possible, you are immune-compromised, or you're unsure if the people around you are vaccinated or unwell. If you're going into a public space where you'll be encountering a large number of people, it's not a bad idea to mask up!
Be wary of high-touch surfaces. Door knobs, pens, light switches, railings, etc. are all common places that people touch and without knowing how clean their hands were when they touched it, it's also a great place for bacteria to gather.
Continue to regularly wash or sanitize your hands, and avoid touching your face. Whether you've been in contact with a high-touch surface, are about to eat using your hands, or just haven't in a while, don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer where washing isn't possible.
Make safe travel plans. While the borders remain closed, a great opportunity to explore our great country is presented. However, some provinces may be at different stages in their restart plans or are experiencing outbreaks in more remote communities. Make sure to do your research before you travel and continue to protect yourself while away. Monitor for symptoms upon return.
A big shout-out and thank you to all of our continuously fearless front-line workers, including our own truck drivers. As Dr. Bonnie Henry would say,
"Be kind. Be calm. Be safe."
Click here for more on our COVID-19 Policies and Procedures.